Tackle Tactics Surfcasting Message Board
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Welcome to our Surfcasting Message Board sponsored by Tackle Tactics. Please note that we now have a new Page which will be replacing this one eventually. Surfcasting NZ Group Page Please feel free to ask questions about fishing and give answers to any questions. Perhaps you would like to share with everyone how well you have done on your fishing trips, or make announcements of any fishing competitions or share your favourite fish recipe. Other forms of fishing, casting techniques, equipment advice/help are also welcomed for disussion.

Obvious spam especially that is unrelated to fishing will not be tolerated and will be deleted by the moderator. While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Please do not violate another member's privacy by posting personal information about them. No businesses to advertise unless you are a sponsor of this board!

Click here to view our videos on our YouTube Channel. Videos

Click here to view photos posted so far. Photos
(If you would like to have your photo/s in our gallery....please Email us and we will put it in our photo gallery)

Click here to visit the New Zealand Angling & Casting Assn website (Official site). NZACA

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