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    Re: (no subject) Archived Message

    Posted by Tony Sefton on January 15, 2006, 10:16 am, in reply to "Re: (no subject)"

    I can See where he is coming from, The Statement "Cost of Parts" and "Parts at Cost" could be misleading.

    But, Why Does your Invoice say "Cost of Parts". Why not Just;-

    Parts --- £ XXXX
    Labour ----£ XXXX
    Total price £ XXXX ??

    Then the Above Statement is just a Price from you to your Customer,? Because Everyone Expects a Business to make a profit. ( don't they )
    But At the end of the Day, You can argue till your Blue in the Face, If Some Ars***e Is Determined to use that as an Excuse not to pay then your in trouble. ( I Suppose if it say's Cost price, Then the assumption could be that your doing the parts at Cost price to you.) ?

    You could ask the Judge why Woolworths cost of an Item is £10.00 and the cost to him would be £15.00 So How can Cost of parts Be the same to 2 People in different circumstances, ? You are in the trade, So you get a trade discount but the customer doesn't. ? So he has paid 50% more than woollworths,

    So There Must be a "Their" Cost Price and "His" cost price. ( and it is Still a cost price to Someone. )

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