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    The Huw Edwards spectacle is a confected show of 'how independent UK media is' Archived Message

    Posted by marknadim on July 13, 2023, 7:34 am

    From (anti)social media

    "Sun bad, BBC good?!?
    - No way. Please don't swallow or parrot that misdirecting view.

    In truth:
    Sun - presented as 'the common man in the street', but serving the establishment, ie the billionaire parastite class.
    BBC - in the garb of 'the educated objective truth teller' serving the establishment, the billionaire parasite class.

    Both BBC and Sun smeared relentlessly for years the only real threat to the insane 'status quo' in the last generation or two, Corbyn's Labour 2015-19, along with the whole of mainstream media putting the knives in, and 95% or so of careerist snouts-in-the-trough pollies.

    Both Sun and BBC have also solidly supported every single US-UK dirty war, and the brutality of close allies, along with all the rest of UK's 'free media'.

    The UK's superficially varied 'spectrum of views' media, from the Fraudian-BBC end to Sun-Mail, offer different flavours and wrapping to the same product underneath.

    All produced by the same billionaire class - either directly, or by appointees of a series of corrupt governments in the pockets of billionaires - corporate and state media provide consumers with a diet of distraction and division; the only unity offered to gavaged entrapped victims is that of staying 'safely' within the mass suicidal social construct. The prime goal is always to protect the corrupt billionaire-topped 'status quo'.

    The very same 'status quo' that's taking us right over the cliff of global climate destruction, in place of options for a green revolution, and taking us headlong into wars with global competitors, in place of negotiated peace - all to serve the selfish and reckless interests of a perverse few.

    The Huw Edwards spectacle is just the latest confected show of 'how diverse and independent UK media is' - a trance millions have snapped out of - using the harmless (to power) topic of individuals publicly sacrificed after being caught involved in some form of abhorrence.

    John Pilger: "BBC is the most refined propaganda service in the world".

    Let's never forget that.

    Only a media revolution where we create and fiercely protect a transparent people-owned communication network can enable us to see through the lies of power and to make the sane compassionate group decisions needed to save our Earth, share the wealth more fairly and bring an end to wars.

    This latest dramatic huge news story is just another 'lively debate' within safe parameters that distracts from real issues and helps keep the myth of a 'free press' alive.

    Message Thread:

    • The Huw Edwards spectacle is a confected show of 'how independent UK media is' - marknadim July 13, 2023, 7:34 am