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    YHA to close a third of its hostels, and sell them off - no doubt to the very rich for ..... Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on July 30, 2023, 9:12 pm

    ...their country mansions.

    What the fook's' happening in this world - I think this is the most depressing news I've heard for a while. Yet something more to depress me as the humane things that made life worth living for those without much means or indeed anyone who needs space and companionship in their lives become casualties of a uncaring and moribund hyper-individualistic society. I didn't see this happening in the UK but I should have, because the NZ YHA closed completely last year, yes, no more YHA in NZ and not a murmur raised here in the politicians or the media. NZ news this morning I'm now listening to - National are going to spend $6 billion for new roads and the waiting list over 4 months for paediatric specialist appointments has increased 600% in this last year and children are suffering actual harm by markedly increasing delays in paediatric surgery. And back in the UK of course "green" and traffic moderating policies now at risk for political expediency and lack of care. "I'm on their side" says Sunak to motorists, and fook the children and their neighbourhood. And of course the two child cap on benefits. We seems to actively hate our children, at least everyone else's child. And when we do this it must be a form of societal self-hatred.
    It's yet another infliction among many other things of something mean, demoralising and damaging on our future generations. So it's just another nail in my mental health because I take these failures personally. I shouldn't but I have developed an existential angst that I cannot shake. In the old days it would be diagnosed as an "involutional melancholia", but I'd argue that it's society itself that's suffering an involutional decay.

    Message Thread:

    • YHA to close a third of its hostels, and sell them off - no doubt to the very rich for ..... - John Monro July 30, 2023, 9:12 pm