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R, amen to common sense. There is no path other than to something akin to DII. Along with 300 other 'current' DI universities.
Hoping something good comes out of it. Like the 300 schools band together and leave the NCAA for good, create something better and realistic, involving less money and more amateur athletics. The more the big schools throw the $$ around, they become pro teams and I'm not interested.
Worked my first HS football game of the year last night. Now that's an environment I enjoy. Public high school, very little funding, everyone involved doing it for the love of the game. Will enjoy that as long as I can. Previous Message
We do not even play FCS football, we are Division 2, but refuse it believe it. We can not compete with the TV money the power 4 have. There is no championship for D1A. Something has to give and the school should be proactively planning fir it. Previous Message
Good post except for the division ll part….
Too bad the poor decisions to rid the school of its history will chase donors away. They knew this would happen and did not care.? Previous Message
We should just be what we are. We should promote education and good people at our school. Forget NIL, we cannot afford it. Monies donated to NIL have totally restricted use and can only be used for athletes and nothing more.
We should just become Division II and be done with it.
With the President changing the name of the Daily 49er we will lose donors. I already know of some that will no longer donate to the school.
With what she has done with respect to the school history she has also shown disrespect for the history of the State of California. This is not good.
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