Simply put, you’re in the Bermuda Triangle, politically, with this. Blue state reps aren’t going to vote for anything that’s seen as the big guy putting their thumb on the little guy. Red states? Ideologically, they wouldn’t/shouldn’t be too hip to anything seen as limiting to a free market with the double whammy of endorsing something they typically purport to despise - increased government regulation of just about anything. Additionally, the Red states that currently get the biggest competitive advantage with the new system, aka the Southeast Conference, aren’t going to vote on a revised system that gives away the advantage….and it’s not a small number of seats.
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Athletics and the NIL will be a challenge for the new administration. I could see all sports in the lower schools disappearing or going D2. Congress must do something to save sports.
Tyler thought USC was better but it didn't seem to work out. Now there was an opportunity at St Mary's and he jumped at it. He will keep moving up the ladder now. Previous Message
Being a collegiate coach is becoming a look over your shoulder position. The model changed with NIL, if I was coaching I’d get to a Big/Sec position as soon as I could to make as much money as possible if I was an up and coming. There might not be as many positions ten years from now. Previous Message
Then Tyler shouldn't come out and say Long Beach was his dream job. Previous Message
Tyler was LBSU's loss. LBSU has very little to offer coaches to get them to stay now. It will be a revolving doir until things change for the better Loyalty is a two way street. In any industry employees will not remain at such a place.
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