Yes, she approved a fee increase, but she refused to approve a level of fee that would have actually improved the department’s position. Her dismantling of the Alumni Fund and development in general took us from being one of the best fundraising CSU’s to a poor performer. The mascot debacle is simply embarrassing, and still unremedied (The Beach Beach).
She has no singular achievement, other than claiming to promote diversity in what was already one of the most diverse campuses. Although not entirely her fault, unfortunately, she will mostly be remembered for having overseen our descent into mediocrity.
I hope the next President is energetic and visionary enough to reverse the trend, but we all know that it will require $$, and lots of it. Previous Message
I agree with Mar. gone are the scholarship days where you play to get an paid education. I do not agree that new new President will make a difference. Jane rasied the stundent fees to cover to current cost of athletics. Whether you like her or not, she has been a strong suporter of athletics (minus the crappy mascot change)--ask the coaches and athletic department. A new President will not be able to do anything different to battle the Power 4 take over of professional college sports. They system is rotten and even a lot of the power 4 schools, and coaches, do not like it. Playeres love it because they are always a free agent. I love going to Long Beach athletic events and support many teams with $$ and attendance. I will always be a Long Beach fan. I have accepted the fact that Prospector Pete and the 49ers will never return--you can't go back. Go Beach!!!! Previous Message
MAR. What you say is unfortunately so teue.The new national leadership will just make it worse as it t will further promote this trajectory.
Hopefully we will get a new college president at CSULB who will make things better.
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