I am back cause it's our birfdays. We is 17 years old. We would not be here, but thankfully or meowmie was able to capture our feral mom, and put her in the bathroom, where she had us that very night. Momcat is now gone and so is our brofur Tinker. We miss them. But there's still plenty of us here to party. We have 7 other brofers and sisters at home.
Most of us is sleeping which is par for the course. And meowmie tried to put this goofy hat on us for our birthday. We doesn't like it. So we are grumpy. But aside from the hat, we want the party to begin.
So fishcakes and whip cream for everyone. If you'd like to post a pic of your kitty that is joining the party, by all means do. We like to see our party friends.
For now, here's us in that Darn Hat! Should be outlawed! prump!
My brofer Leonard. He's a family favorite. Believe it or not, they actually like him over me...or so I'm told. (Mom says she likes us all the same)...Nice mom. Ignore the hat...shame on her subjecting us to such degradation.
And Leonard earlier today...without the hat...much handsomer I'd say. Btw, Leonards full name is Leonardo Moto McIronClaw. We're from the Ironclaw lienage.
And my cute sisfur, Dolly. She has a *thing* on her nose. Doesn't stop her from feeling good though. She loves to sleep under the covers in bed with mom. Oh...and she talks ALOT. But then don't all girls?
And she takes the hat more like a man, or, er, I mean girl. ack!
And yet she too looks better without it. Again, don't mind the beyoutee mark on her nose. It just enhances her looks, me thinks.
And Finally...here's me, with that dum hat. I was just laying with my brofer Leonard when someone puts this ridiculous thing on my head. Well I left. Not going to let that happen again. We is much to aristocat for that. I also must say not sure why the pictures ended up sideways, but maybe we should have invested in a "professional photographer", after alls, we is worth it.
Now, on to the cake!! Everyone come party with us.
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