I find that when one. is going through something such as this cancer thjing, one finds out who their. friends are!! I have found that my friends have been stepping. up to assist in various ways. I have been pleasantly surprised and head my heart broken by others. I have appreciatedted your. inquiries and interest in my responses right along with others on this board. Especially as the content is not always pleasant. Thanks to you for this!!!! I have also been able to learn about your firkins and what issues you and kitties are dealing with. I am glad some are doing well and send purrs, strokes and healing prayers for those not doing so well. I also admire your dedication to your furred one's health and welfare!!!!!!!!! Un til I return on the 14th take care everyone and furred ones!!! Mine will be greatly missed but cared for at home by a friend and neighbor!!! |
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