Nice to "see" you. Thank you for your response. Well, I actually have been doing that, with baby food, and rinsed rotisserie chix. Just warmed a bit in micro. But he would not eat anything. As of yesterday, he was put on Mirataz, the transdermal form of mirtazapine. At 6:30pm. He's also on zofran for nausea, and also on Gabapentin, liquid form chicken flavor, it is an amazing help. It not only slightly sedates, but painkiller and appetite stimulant. So at 11:30 last night, one half hour short of 60 hours without food, he finally ate!! Yay!!! He ate the equivalent of half a can of Fancy Feast, not FF, he had other food I gave him, but he ate. We tried to give sub q's at 8, the fluids just came out, we didn't have in right. He couldn't take it anymore. So gave up. But, at midnight, he drank, and drank, and drank! Tons of water! My heart was so happy for him finally drinking so much and eating a bit! This morning, he wasn't hungry, but finally ate again, a tsp here and there. And drank alot. He was reluctant at first, but did eat. I can't figure this out. This cat would scream for food all the time. He's very vocal, and loves to eat. I am just baffled. I pray he's on road to recovery and will be eating and drinking even when he's not on the appetite stimulants and anti-nausea pills. Thank you for your advice. I appreciate it. Hope all is well with your babies. And you too! Will update...thanks again.