Finally got my second vac. However there are a LOT of people who refuse to be vaccinated .
Our Govt seems to RE act rather than be PRO active. Numbers up:- big fuss, everything shuts down.... OK for a week or so :- everything opens up again! I just walk outdoors with Pixie, go to the shops when it's a quiet time and stay away as much as I can from other people.
Miss Cleo is doing fine, grumbles when it's raining and I won't let her into the drying yard. She does love to lie in a beam of sunshine.
Cats are like Potato Chips - you can't have just one
seems most goverments are reacting the same the US we are in the throes of another outbreak...mostly people who were not vaccinated. Nightly you see people on the news saying they wished they had gotten the vax, as they sit in the ICU... Love the pic of Miss Cleo and Pixie...