Sometimes a little proof really goes along way
Posted by Carrie
on May 6, 2008, 5:39 am
There may people reading posts on this website that will read this post today and make the decision to TRY GSH. So, for me it is worth posting this information to help others make that choice which I believe will help prolong their child's or their own lives if they have CF. Lately we have been dealing with a ton of GI issues with our daughter, unsure of what is causing it but as time goes on we feel that it may just be a bout of bad luck (don't believe in luck, but for lack of better words) with my daughter catching her share of bugs, mainly intestinal. Because she had never had a GI bug before this past year, we suspected it must be something more serious causing all of her symptoms. However, we had blood work done yesterday and we believe by God's grace that the reason all of her blook work was NORMAL, including her nutritional status, was because we have been giving our daugther GSH for the last 4 years. Her liver, blood counts,kidney function, proteins, were all normal. If you saw what my daughter ate you would be amazed at these results. We are a praying family so we expect God to answer our prayers, and the only thing we can link the results to is God showing us that we needed to start our daughter on GSH. And since we started the inhaled, we have had great success too. We will have her final culture results on Friday and I will post them. I am just so excited about the bloodwork because for us that is the proof we needed that all is well. Please give it a try. We have never had one single reason to believe it is harming our daughter and the proof is in the pudding. You may still have challenges while on GSH because it is not a cure, although some of you may feel differently. We still have GI issues, but I believe it helps tremendously, even more than we know because we can't see what is happening inside of her little body. Thank you Valerie, again, for your willingness to share GSH with others. Your heart is huge and I know you have made life better for so many.