starting new testing
Posted by Hope
on August 20, 2009, 9:37 am
We did our annual tests again recently; good on oropharyngeal cultures, and good on liver function. This year, we started our 12 year old and 10 year old on modified glucose testing, which we will do every year. We are using the Canadian protocol, which says that normal OGTT tests aren't accurate for CF persons, because CF persons' glucose peaks at about 60 minutes, not 120 minutes, after glucose intake. So the Canadians test after 60 minutes, and not the usual 120 minutes. We also took blood for insulin level, too, which the Canadians say should be given at 90 minutes, and not the usual time for normal persons. I am very interested to see the results, and we'll use these as a baseline against which to check as the kids grow older. We'll do the 7 year old next year, since testing is recommended only for kids 8 and up.