Katie is now 3 1/2, she has been on the GSH, oral and inhaled since 5 or 6 months old. Since I put her on it so young, we have never had a "holiday" from it. We do 3 inhaled GSH's and 3 Curcaps a day.
Katie is doing well. Her weight is in the 95th percentile, at her last pediatrician visit, I got the "she's at risk for obesity" lecture. Ha! Ha! She is def not fat, she is built like a little football player, but that is also her personality....she is not a girly girl!
We did culture PA for a yr and a half, but our past 2 cultures have been negative. We still do TOBI every other month. I do not do the Albuteral anymore....I did a "study" for a month....when we did that, it changed her personality (irritable & mean) and really made
her hyper, so much that she couldn't sit still for ANY length of time. Her lungs are clear and we (fortunately) don't currently have lung issues. Our GI and poops are good.
When Katie started preschool the Sept, the doc told me to expect lots of illnesses and not get depressed. So far, we have been good. My husband gets sick more!
At this point, whatever we're doing is working.I personally feel that alot of it is the GSH, helping to support her system. I don't think GSH is a cure, like Hope said, maintainance, and we will keep on doing it. I consider it not an alternative, but as an adjunctive treatment.
Anyway, that's what's going on with us....pretty boring.....hate the cold weather, and waiting for spring!!!