But I want to reassure you there is no way you are hurting Ashleigh by giving her GSH. I want to be sure you understand that. Whether it is helping her to the degree we would all wish is another matter, but please rest assured you are not doing her harm.
As we've said before, yes, fungi and bacteria also use GSH. If you are fighting a fungus with an antifungal, you would not want to be using GSH at the same time. But please also remember--"normal" people have 10 times more GSH in their extracellular spaces than CF people, and they are much better at kicking out fungi and bacteria than CF people! That means the issue isn't as simple as we might think. We must also look at the interaction between GSH levels and the efficacy of the immune system--and that is one reason I recommend reading that article, because it gives some excellent information on that very interaction. Normal levels of GSH result in a normalized immune response--and for CF folks, that would be a great blessing.