Intestinal inflammation is a frequent feature of cystic fibrosis and is reduced Bruzzese E, Raia V, Gaudiello G, Polito G, Buccigrossi V, Formicola V, Guarino My child takes Klaire Labs "Complete"
We take liposomal GSH. Liposomal form allow the GSH to get into the red blood cells. CFers have GSH deficiency so don't lose faith in GSH it is critically important. (My Dr. has been researching GSH for 10 years-- )Wellness Pharmacy can help you find a Dr. in your area that knows about GSH.
I believe there were earlier posts related to GSH and yeast on the other board too.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2004 Oct 1;20(7):813-9.
by probiotic administration.
Intestinal inflammation is a major feature of cystic fibrosis and is reduced by
probiotics. The latter finding suggests that intestinal microflora play a major
role in intestinal inflammation in cystic fibrosis children.