--Previous Message--
: that a lot of people forget, is that JA
: actually wrote a lot of the songs in the
: band. He was a major creative force in the
: band. They didn't just lose their singer;
: they lost maybe their main creative force.
: Also, is it weird that Magnification is like
: a top 3 Yes album for me?
: --Previous Message--
: Since it's main comparison on that front is
: Magnification and it can't hope to compete
: with it. But it certainly would have been a
: hell of a lot better of a swan song than
: H&E. Whereas with FFH I didn't really mind
: either way if they never put out another
: album, and wasn't all that upset about not
: getting back together with Anderson. With
: this album I really hope they can get their
: shit together at least one more time
: (hopefully with JA on board) just so that
: H&E doesn't have to be the last thing they
: leave us on.