I don't know why I feel compelled to chime in on post-prime Stevie Wonder albums, but such is life. I more or less agree regarding Conversation Peace and Jungle Fever (maybe I'd go one point higher for each), but I've long been rather fond of In Square Circle, and it'd easily be in the 9/A range for me (and once would've been higher). Objectively, the arrangements are a major problem, but I really enjoy the first half of the album + "Overjoyed" and that takes me a long way. As for Characters, I can't exactly defend it, but I still don't think of it as a bad album, so the hex 4 rating was a little shocking. The highlights for me are actually some of the more upbeat numbers like "Dark and Lovely," "One of a Kind," and "Galaxy Paradise." Also, I like Michael Jackson (which could explain why I'm not as strongly opposed to Characters, since the production sounds pretty similar to Bad), but I still think "Get It" sucks, so there you go.