This message board is in support of members of the Marine Corps and their relatives, and friends
Veterans Benefit Network BBS: The above BBS does, thanks to its members whom post there, evidently contains a lot of knowlidge shared between eachother in posts. To show 2 such examples, see for example the 2 below links, which I found in posts within the above BBS: DoD Database Helps Locate Gulf War Hospital Records: Blue Water Navy Agent Orange Info -main + claims: The last of the above links, may proove very helpfull indeed, as I am trying to assist a Marine from the 1st MarDiv, with his claims against the VA, as he was exposed to Agent Orange while in Guam during 1959. It seems (unfortunatly so), that the fact that there Was Agent Orange at Guam as early as during the 1950's, is something that is not "commonly known" amongst many, and thereby many VA-workers evidently tends to doubt claims regarding this. Due to this unfortunate situation, the Marine I am trying to assist, is having "a hard time with his local VA". Am however trying my best to find info fo rhim, that will help him in his dealings with his own local VA-office. and the above now just found, will add to what I have found earlier. Just thought I should show also that, as 1 example of how usefull it can be to check the BBS I posted at top, out. T G C! Sincerely
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" Duty is the most sublime word in the English language.
"Excellence doesn't just happen.
"To control the past,
"They were the best you had, America,
and you turned your back on them". ~ Joe Galloway ~ Speaking about Vietnam Veterans
You can never do more,
you should never wish to do less."
~ Robert E. Lee writing to his son ~
It must be forged, tested and used.
It must be passed down.
And woven into the very fabric of our souls.
Until it becomes our nature."
~ General Charles C. Krulak ~
31st Commandment of the Marine Corps
Is to give meaning to the present,
And direction to the future."