I haven't seen any part of it for years now, so I was interested in the breeds allowed to participate for the first time, and watching some beautiful dogs in the rings. There were 8 rings going on, actually.
Because of covid, it was held outside again, and looked like it was challenging for some breeds. Especially shorter, smaller breeds, and breeds with fur that came all the way down, because of the grass.
I was extra interested in the Scotties, because I've had to explain for 45 years that my McDuff was a brindle, and yes, it is a color, as are whites. Well, on the show, I saw a brindle win best of breed!
The woman who showed him, had driven over 20 hrs. to get there. Her mother had been breeding Scotties for 48 years, I believe. This dog was from a litter of 7, and was the only brindle in the litter.
McDuff was an amazing dog, so I was happy to see it.
There was more, and I do enjoy hearing the back stories of various dogs and breeds.
Also, I watched one of the zoo shows the other day, and one of the animals that they were talking about/showing, were their rare giraffes.
They teach them to put their feet up to get them trimmed. But, they have 4 seasons (N.Y.) and wanted an indoor set-up. So, their building team made a narrow chute for them. Giraffes have a dangerous kick...it can kill a lion, so this is safer for everyone. They taught one to walk into the chute for a treat, then put their foot up as they have always been taught.
The interesting part for me, is that they use clicker training and targeting for them! I am a huge fan of clicker training and targeting, so my head snapped up as soon as I heard the clicker!
I do know that, before dogs were trained with clickers, marine mammals were. But, didn't know about the modern day giraffes!
Have a wonderful day!
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)