Smells - Yes and probably the kittens for he sticks his head under the Kids dead car. He has been freezing when checking out he neighbors front or side yards.
Charlie is my first INTENSE hunting breed. So I know I am not used to his intensity. At least not this intense a reaction.
But his dropping down to the ground is weird. He freezes in place. And he is right next to the steps and my chair I sit in.
I put him on his leash to try and see if I can figure out what is going on while we walk the yard. I know for a while during the summer I would have to call him off the old burn pile.
I pretty much knew there was a wild critter digging there.
But he has taken to sniffing under the flat bed trailer and there is a ratty old large tarp that he investigates. But you are probably right that it is the cats. I haven't seen them at all but for J&W's old female. But yesterday I saw the Yellow big male cat the is the guilty party for the litter. He was back yesterday in their shed and it seems Mom the neighbor across the streets cat - maybe inheat again. It's been a while since I had cats... can she be inheat now that the kittens are roaming all over on their own?
She sits at her "Home" and calls and they go running. But J&W are beside themselves with frustration that they all end up in their shed.
For some reason W will not take the kittens to the Humane Society. She won't even call there. Instead she is trying to find homes for them. Bloody unlikely the older they get.
Anyway I think your comments are pretty right on... as for the deer being processed have no clue. Except if the lone deer shows up next door Charlie goes ape. His bark is so loud - I have to find a way to sound proof my windows?
Any ideas? I put cardboard in the upper portions and will put plastic over the whole thing. It helps, sorta! 8-)
Have copied your comments into my email so I have them onhand. Thank you... and if you think of anything else please share.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)