Chance is he same way about his meals. Also he and Charlie both eat apples and carrot treats. If I get busy on the laptop or doing dishes, I get told. LOL By both of them.
I fill the cat bowl up and it is Soli that lets me know when the bowl is empty. Kitty has a small dish in the library - both are off the floor - she wants her own food and the library is now hers.
I give both of them a sprinkle of cat treats. I try to buy the same one as Kitty might have reactions with some of the flavors. They love their treats.
No guests here - in fact it was a waterless and very quiet day. The well is fixed and this morning I did all the dishes, etc first thing.
I hate it when the well is down. It really depresses me. But Charlie and I and the gang do ok. We all survived the extreme cold. At least this time there was power but for a blip when the local util had an area go down and that lowered my power. But it was back up by morning.
Hopefully this spell of bad weather is over.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)