It sounded like she was playing in the back of the house, which I thought was strange. Then, when she moved to the pantry and Krypto started chasing/herding her, I knew that she wasn't playing.
A few minutes later, something flew overhead. At first I thought it might be another bat...ugh!...but it wasn't. It was a pretty little bird, a Phoebe.
We went to grab Uhura, but she had suddenly made herself scarce, and we couldn't find her.
So, we put Krypto in his crate, and suddenly found Uhura - the killer. We tried to crate her, as well, but she objected...loudly, and continuously. So, we put her out, leaving Henry & Krypto crated.
We opened the front door, and turned off all but one light, next to it. It didn't work. We even set the light out the door, to attract the bird. No dice.
After flying back and forth for a long time, the phoebe went into the back of the house, where it's dark.
We finally brought Uhura in when the bird stayed back there, and uncrated the others, praying for the best for the poor little guy. If Uhura could get to him, there'd be no saving him.
We finally ate, and strategized. Dh went outside and got a piece of bird net meant to keep birds off of fruit trees, and ran it for 10'ish between the living room and kitchen, where the bird kept flying. I looked up and he was standing on something to reach. I tried not to watch. Really, he shouldn't be climbing things, and there was a cement floor beneath him.
The bird came back, flying like a speed demon between the living room and kitchen again. So, we put Uhura back out, crated the others, and then Dh went back to putting up the net just so.
Finally, he got down, and he literally had just come around the other side when the bird shot over him, and got caught on the net!
Dh leaned over, plucked him off of the net, and that was that!
We put him in a box with air holes in it, to keep him calm until it was light out...we decided that putting him out in the dark was a bad idea. Especially with rain and cold temperatures.
So, that's now 2 birds, and 2 bats, in 2 years, if you're keeping score. Sheesh.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)