Chance likes to look out the window but I only put him close enough during summer months.
Charlie is on ALERT 100% of the time. He will sit and stare out my bedrom window, the western living room window - standing on the love seat of course. Also he sits or use to sit in my chair but it got moved. He also looks out the front door window. Also the back door as it has a full window in it.
If I am in the library he stares out that window also as most of the windows are large and low enough for heim to stand and look out.
He barks when he sees people, animals or anything else coming down the hill or going up the hill.
He can hear delivery trucks as I have a HONK sign posted. But he also recognizes UPS/Fedex and Krogers trucks. He can smell Boy's truck coming up the hill. I swear!
If someone pulls into the driveway and up to the gate he hears them also.
If we are outside he barks at whatever he sees. His 2 fave spots along the road are next to the fence on either side of the house.
But his other three vary to 3 locations one is by A's yard he races back & forth when A's truck is parked in the his driveway. Then the very back WN corner which is next to A's backback yard and along A's fence if deer are there. Lots of trees exc. But deer also walk up and down the street and often like to nibble on my grass that grows along the two fence lines Charlie likes as his watch dog areas.
Then if he is in the back WN corner he will tear down my path along the north fence till he gets to the NE corner where deer have free range -they have total free range as we are a deer reserve - They do stare downs with Charlie. It can be pretty funny. He barks like a mad dog but is sorta calming down.
Charlie is my best Watch Dog ever! His bark is extremely loud as he has a very deep chest. He also barks or makes his verbal noises like right now whining as he wants to go outside. Plus I ran out of his treat - all of them I ordered 2 boxes and they should arrive today... but I just fnished my Monthly Chewy order and it broke $200. Damn!
Oh and one of his balls rolled under the couch and he wants me to go get it. He knows where all his balls - he has 10 maybe. They are all over the house and I have a box for them but he takes them out and is very fussy over which one he wants to play ball with that moment.
He is sitting in the door way as I post this with ball in mouth. We go out may 4 to 6 times a day.
I adore him!
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)