What type of dog is her friend? Male or female, and how close to herself in color and size?
Baby is like Uhura. She ran up to me and got in my lap today when a delivery was made. She does that if a vehicle pulls up the driveway.
She used to hide in the back room or under a chair, but I've slowly gotten her to come to me. I talk sweetly to her and pet her. At some point she realized that nothing was going to 'get her' when she 'hid' with me. Nothing would have anyway, of course, but she wasn't sure of it, I guess.
With her, I can trace it back to being formerly feral. They all seem to start out that way. I'm glad that she has gotten to where she 'hides' in my lap or under my arm these days.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)