That is part of why both of them ended up at the Vet almost dying from bad food. There was the corn mold which almost killed both of them. And another complication that was an over dose of vitimins in the other.
On top of those problems Alex also inhaled a slipper insert. For which he had to be operated on to have it removed.
I try very hard to stay away from various foods and always try small amts to make sure my dog(s) have no reactions. Having a pack of dogs meant testing each one seperately.
When I only had Charlie at 4 mos I worked with the SPCA vet to make sure my choice for his dry food got the ok. So far he has been on canned Pedigree once a day in the evening with a large tablespoon of his wet food. He has an amt that grew a bit larger the oder he got. Now - almost 11 he is getting smaller portions of dry. His Vet is amazed at how healthy he is.
His next appointment is in April and with his various changes in personality and physical changes I will make sure he is completely checked out from top to bottom. Especially since I think he has had some mental issues and physical issues - that seem to come and go.
His teeth are white but for his back molar on his right upper tooth.
This vet appointment will be one I will go to with a list of his changes in personality and in physical issues.
Charlies dry food is difficut to find sometimes. It is Pedigree Healthy Weight. Momo suggested a similiar dry food... but no changes until after the vet appointment.
After "all" the BAZRSW's made it to 17 years old. I need the vet to check Charlie out for mental and physical issues. I realize part of his changes may be age oriented but still I need to take a list of questions on every change I have noticed or suspect of a being a problem.
Am copying this to email to take with me.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)