Hira got more alert as the day went on. I am more convinced than ever that the woman gave Hira something which drugged her. Since it wasn't from a vet, goodness knows what it was.
Still, Hira hasn't made any sound other than a growl. I'm honestly wondering if she can. No whine, no bark, nothing. Strange.
She did sniff around a little this afternoon, though.
She's still ignoring the cats.
When Ds brought the Purina food over, she ate a whole bowlful. Hooray! Did she prefer it, or was she too out of it previously to eat?
She wouldn't drink, and was getting deep wrinkles from dehydration. We gave her water in cupped hands after she ate, and she drank a little that way. Later on, she drank from Krypto's big bucket. Whew! Then, a little later, emptied her bladder. Now I'm happier.
I feel that there is still something wrong with her, I just don't know what, yet. Though, I'm not sure about her hips. She may have hip problems. Her hind end isn't as low as the typical modern GSD, but more sloped than Krypto's. His back is board straight from neck to tail.
She seems a bit wobbly on them, lays whenever she can, even when she ate. I am still worried about her health overall. I keep praying, at this point, that it's not something dread. We were in that situation once, and it was sad.
Anyway, we will find out when she sees a vet. That won't be until May, when I budgeted for Krypto's annual visit. Unless something happens before then, of course.
She's already had a positive impact on Krypto, even though he looks over his shoulder sometimes. He has become mellower. I always knew that he needed a sister.
She expected him to be like the husky, I think, but he's not, so she has licked his muzzle a couple of times, and they've laid on the floor next to one another. Though she spends most of the time on the overstuffed chair.
I don't know what all is going on, but we're just moving forward and hoping that all is well. If she's well, I think that she suits us very well, and is good for Krypto. But, I'm trying not to get too comfortable until she's seen the vet.
So, baby steps.
Okay, off to bed. Thank you for the prayers, they are helping.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)