I don't usually let himeat grasses. I was talking to J&W and didn't pay attention. He got alot of grass down but hasn't thrown up, which is what he usually does when eat eats grass.
When I walked him yesterday, and very slowly both of us, and he wasn't on his leash. I never saw him Poop. Thank oodness he did this morning as I had us out there for almost 40 minutes. He did rush but did sorta trot. We walked my path through the back - it's almost disappeard in the weeds. Then around the to the front of the house and there is where he stood and stared at the house where the bad dog lived.
Then we went to the kitchen side of the house facing down the hill. That's where he stares at nothing I can see - maybe smelling?
when he's ready we may go inside using only the front door and he doesn't like to climb the back steps to often.
I onlygive hime mini biscuits and break them in half. He gets a whole one but has to chew them up. Also 3 of the really tiny darford that aren't as a grou as big as his dog bicuit I broke in half.
Oh I did say bloat but he looked that way on the sides like hot dog bun from his shoulders to his hips.
Did I mention he finally pooped this morning. Thank goodness for I think that was the bloat and why he was eating grass.
During the storm which he usually sleeps through, he tossed and turned al lnight untill he put his head on one of my pillows and slept for a bit.
This am he didn't seem bloated at all. But I made him stay out back and we walked all over till he did what I wanted him to do. Oh and no problem peeing.
The only thing Charlie does after eating is run and catch ball and then poop. It seems his running gets his innerds working. If I take him out and he doesn't run... no poop.
He definately feels better this morning. Plus it was cool out which I am pretty sure helps right now. Usually temps don't bother him. But I leash him if its hot. Then we walk slow but all over the yard. Good for both of us but not for the same reason 8-) Of course cool weather energizes him.
All I can do is watch and when I get paid make an apointment asap.
I have been very frightened and your it! 8-)
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)