Kitty love the library during winter which is gone and no fan in there. But she is sneaking into my bathroom which is cool and the window faces north with a screen in it. The 2nd of only 2 windows with screens that I open all the time. Evenif just a tiny crack.
Soli just lies under things but part of him always stricks out so I end up stepping on him. I keep the living room and other rooms shaded with drapes & tall bushes along the west of the house. Sorta works, unless in the 100s
I have my ac in the bedroom and there is one in DD's room so Soli likes it in her room while Kitty likes the kitchen counter or lying on the dining room chairs as there is a box fan that sits on the counter and cools that room.
Charlie naps on the floor in shade in my room which gets really cool. Or on my bed. Sometimes under my covers lol I can never tell where he is and often have to go hunting. My bathroom floor has seen any of the above as the bathroom faces NORTH and isn't cooked like the front of the house. But the Red Tips are feet above my roof and cover most of the windows for the Living room, dining room and a tiny part of one of my bedroom windows.
Yeah Charlie is feeling spring but due more to his drugs then the weather. Texas can be Spring, Fall, Summer & Fall at any time of the year. HONEST! It depends on from which direction the weather is coming. From the south Mexico, East storms but not as much, West STORMS yet the trouble makers, North Canada storms that can be bad...or storms from all along the westnorthwest. If through Oklahoma can
be bad. We get everything from everywhere, including drought. Spring is a toss up. Plus stuff from the Gulf of Mexico.
I never pack types of clothes away as Summer one day with 90 temps, fall and spring can be any type of year round temps Honestly. Then winter can have what I call California days. Lovely and every one from CA says the same and lots of us here. 8-) Bad winter storms not excluded. Usually Ice storms BAD, BAD, BAD!
Ok off I go. Small Blueberry Bread Loaves pack up, all I need to do is walk there. May 20 minutes on a good day. 8-) Uphill not so fast, besides then I get rides home. 8-)
Have a good one.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)