At least I no longer get pulled around the yard for I hold the end of his leash with 1 finger.
Plus he has to run to get his bowels moving.
He is quieter some times... and always hangs out in the two corners - one by the road and the other in the back next to J&W's shed where he can look for Deer.
He also does walk more often then he used to. Which is a good thing as long as I can let him out when noones around and no deer. Though he has taken aliking to Motorcycles - the really nosiy ones. Ne hever cared before. I wish he didn't care now.
Otherwise I let himhave some alone time in the house - usually on Wed and Fri when cards & Dominos... but Thursday I was gone for 6 hours from 1pm to 6pm will post on TeaTime about that 6 hr trip. 8-(
Otherwise Charlie is getting a spoon full of canned food with 2 out of his 2 dry food meals. He bowels are much softet & firm vs loose.
He does sleep a good amount, but I take him out at least 5 times a day or, with me if I am working on the trash or hanging clothes - the trash is now due on Monday mornings... not Wed.
Works much better for me and I let A - if he sorts his recycling - put in my containers. That fills my cans up. One can is for trash the other for recycling.
Plus I am slowly putting together items for
a charity. Lots things the kids gave me I have no use for.
Oh they gave me a bunch of canned goods of which 2 or 3 exploded in my cupboard. I tossed them and a few others that were passed expiration date. They eat stuff I never do.. at least now they no longer drop stuff off. Thank heavens.
Ok that's it for now.. I am having fried spam on pnb bread which I no long spread with a knife but the back of a tablespoon.. boy does that make it easier to spread PNB, butter, etc.
OK later...
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)