They didn't tell me they had her out in their yard so Charlie went nuts. I was running along the fence line and would bark at the Moma dog then race down to check on the puppies.
So now I need to let Charlie out at 2pm and have him in by 3pm.
Im not sure if I can take him before dark... that is to be adjusted as well. Weekends are a pain.
One fence panel is up but I need to get the new zipties so I can tie the bottom of the first panel to the chainlink. Then I will start on Panel 2 and over lap with panel one where there are spots Charlie can see and react to their Hound dog.
I wont have to do that where the propane tank, their shed and large water tank both are. Plus there is an open spot between their shed and their back door. I may fold the panel back over itself then continue to the road. That way I may not have to panel along the road.
Since Boy brought me the 5 lattice panels that are the same size, white and have a pattern really close to the same design on my lattice panels.. I can lattice from the upper corner of A's yard --that was the angry dog corner where the guy across the streets dog went for Charlie and I got tangled up against a tree - it's up hill where my Cedar trees grow behind the retaining wall. I can then lattice along the road and prevent Charlie from hacing clear views of walkers, bikers, and motorcycle guys race up & down the street, etc.
They are also considering having one of thse huge dogs... three times the size of Charlie. They want a Great Dane. Thus the reason for the Panel fence. I want to cover the fence straight to the road. Plus I want semi privacy.
Well It's time to give CHarlie is pain meds. 7 to 7 twice a day. He takes them easily.
Well, have a good day. Ta Ta!
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)