Unfortunately there was a inch+ branch that had grown through the chainlink a foot lower then the branch I mentioned above. I knew Ihad a saw somewhere and I luckily found it today. It has 3 blades of different strengths. I was talking to my neighbor about our common medical issues that are causing difficulties when I the branch actually broke off once I cut half way through it. It was at least 7 feet long and thinner towards to top. But I will be able to cover that chain link area now. YEAH! Which allows me to not have a huge gap in the two covers as they overlap.
That means I can put up the 4th cover - the finale 50 ft.. and it will cover the windows in their utility room and in their office room. Both large.
I do not want to see in their windows anymore. Their house is only 5 feet from my chainlink and luckily down 5 feet below my view as my house is much higher then theirs. Whew. Privacy! 8-)
I hope to mail DD's Birthday gifts from me and Boy & DDIL. I ran out of wrapping paper and had to order some from Amazon. It's taking longer then I thought to arrive. Dang it!
Anyway... I hope to mail it no later then Weds... I have an express box and that should arrive Sat.
Well, lots to do, lots to do. The yard is looking better as we had some rain so some weeds are growing green. I can't mow as fire danger. I just need to finish attaching the last panel and streighten out the part that was folded due to that limb. With it gone I can now attached the zipties to the bottoms of all four panels. And I will be done. HURRAH!.
It looks really good. I made sure to double up on areas that would expose sections where people would sit and visit the neighbors.
I love the color... though Charlie and Mama dog are still not happy with each other. Once I tighten down the bottoms of the canvas that problem should be resolved. Especially since the last canvas extends past the front of their house. And the mama dog isn't allowed in the front yard.
Cutting that limb that came through my chainlink in the middle of the canvas really caused a problem but I was able to cut it off this afternoon. Boy was that a pain and a half. Luckily a I made it to the half way point of the limb - 2 inches thick - when the branch snapped off. At the perfect spot of course.
I have to admit the white lattice that now runs along the road looks really great. Charlie can see through it but isn't sure how to react to it. I just hope he doesn't bark all the time like he did with only the chainlink. Fingers crossed.
Boy and I were talking and it appers there is a handman who may be able to repair my porch roof.
Fingers crossed. I want it simple and it should be sun proof. Fingers crossed.
Well, the house is doing pretty good. I need to attach the bamboo and cut it down to fit the two gates to the driveway. I don't need people looking through them. Theya re too tall but I can cut them down to fit.
DD's room still have huge boxes from AZ and Chewy that I need to cut down and place out with my trash on Mondays. In face Mike picked up the trash today even if a holiday.
Tomorrow I will box up DD's birthday gifts and leave a note for the mailman to stop by and pick it up. No car and the box wont fit in the mailbox down at the corner.
I hope this extra chores get sone soon so that all I have to deal with are Drs. Too many problems. Oh well, aging is not fun. Fingers crossed that I have some solutions.
Hope you had a good Labor Day. This one was a mixed batch of chores, Charlie enjoying his day and cooking. LOL! Tomorrow I will make blueberry and plain small loaves of muffins. Some for the neighbors and some for me.
I started to finish any number of times. This time I will. Hope you had a good Weekend and Labor Day.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)