I was really proud of Krypto last night.
He's always been pretty good about leaving food alone if it's in certain places, but he is not 100% trustworthy by any means. And, since food-hound has joined the fsmily, and his food is suddenly not satisfying him, it's quadrupally true.
For dinner I had taken a small amound of meat off of the meat for making my soup. I sauteed it with some 1/4 ringlet onions, and some fresh garlic, and had it in a taco made with a homemade tortilla.
There was enough left to save for tomorrow. Dh put it in a sandwich baggie, headed for the 'fridge. He stopped to do something else in the kitchen first, and Krypto came up to him and poked him with his nose/muzzle.
That is not Dh's favorite way of being communicated with, as it can be painful.
But, Krypto insisted, and once Dh was making full eye contact with him, he put his nose to the floor, stepped over something, then poked him again.
On the floor was the Ziploc baggie. It had fallen! Krypto not only didn't walk off with it, but he absolutely brought Dh's attention to it!
I wouldn't expect this to be an everyday behavior, but it sure is a step in the right direction! I was really proud of him!
It rained this afternoon/evening. I don't know how much yet, but it was a nice amount.
We learned from this that Hira is a twinkle toes - she didn't want to step out in the mud. *rolling eyes.*
I hope that you're going to get rain if you want it. This should be all for the week here, but at least it was something!
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)