The larger parrots were a bit hard on toys. Their beaks are so strong. So, we had to be careful with what they were given.
The bird who liked toys the most, I think, aside from food and wood - such as grape burl perches - was our only cockatoo. He loooved toys. But, I noticed that cockatoos seem to be higher strung than the average amazon, or macaw. Conures, as a whole, are very loud and, to say it nicely, active. Except for a couple of types which were very pleasant to have around.
Aside from cockatoos, the safest toys for the stronger beaked birds seemed to be food. Vegetables and fruit, seeds and nuts that they opened themselves, pasta, etc. And, anything different to entertain them. It's the same with chickens. A wedge of cabbage that you hang becomes an edible toy.
I guess that we aren't so different. We get bored, too. At least we can read, watch T.V., clean, etc. :-)
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)