The first officer reached down and grabbed the alchemist by the waist, "Seriously little man! That's it, that's really it! I've got you dead to rights this time, Sir Gonagle!" The alchemist slipped out of his jacket and kicked Maxim in the chins, "Hahaha!" Spencer pulled Serna off to the side, "Ah, about that tour. Let's go before we get into a fight. I knew it was only a matter of time before Maxim caught Sir Gonagle red-handed." "What is going on?" Serna asked Spencer, "Is there a rivalry between the two of them? What's the matter? Don't they like each other or something?" "Rivalry is one way of saying it. Ever since Sir Gonagle came aboard the ship, he's gone out of his way to cause a little bit of mischief." Spencer told her, "of course, he's got enough brains not to do when the captain is on the ship. He came real close to getting the boot." "Well, Sir Gonagle is a Tinker Gnome," Serna confessed to Spencer, "And they can be quite mischievous from time to time. I don't think he mean't any real harm from it." "Either way, I want no part of it." Spencer raised his hand to shield his eyes from the light of the suns. "Hmm, the air feels different down in the city. Feels lighter." "It does," Serna squinted against the din of the sunlights, "It feels better some how. Not as sickly as it did before. Do you think they got those mean nasty Vampires?" +++++++ Quake's entire dragon form was pulsating with pure molten fire and the heat index was literally beginning to melt the very rock on which she walked. ****ROOOAAARRRRR!!!**** A jet of super heated lava slammed into the blood mage evaporating the very liquid that gave the fiend its movement. The blood mage couldn't move fast enough as Quake continued to burn away all the corruption within a thirty foot radius until it was ash. "NO ONE HURTS THE LADY! NO ONE!" Irzen looked up to see Quake's handiwork, "SMOKE THAT SUCKER! YEAH!" Just as the last of the blood mage's remains turned to ash from Quake's attack, three more puzzle keys dropped to the floor. The ashen remains blew away as if they never were there. Madeous dropped his entire pool of healing hands into the bardic prince reviving him enough for a short rest. "Prince Birch! You're alive!" Irzen smiled in relief, "How are you feeling, your Highness?" "Like a giant mosquito just suddenly appeared, stuck its needle in my chest and tried to suck the life right out of me!" Prince Birch groaned as he shook his head, "I feel awful!" "Good! That means you're alive!" The Swordsman boldly declared as he offered him his hand, "Can you stand up?" The Bardic Prince took Irzen's hand and slowly got to his feet, "Yes! I think I can. Who healed me?" Madeous turned around towards the prince. His armor glowing in a white light still as a pair of spectral platinum wings formed on his back. "I did, Prince Birch. Now, we must continue forward and find the remaining five puzzle keys. Captain Lion take point. I will follow behind him. The prince and the swordsman in the center. Quake will take up the rear. Fall in line." Irzen helped Birch move to the center position. Taking the Victous Candle, he blew upon it and the illusion of a group of undead proceeded pass the threshold. "Hey! What about me?!" War Scribe cried as she stumbled to her feet, "I don't see any of you being a gentleman and helping a lady to her feet." "I tell you what, Scribe, act like a lady and I'll treat you like one." The Swordsman replied with a grin. The Drowling merely stuck her tongue out at Irzen and followed along behind Quake. ++++ "The Victous Candle masks the presence of the living to the dead but it has a hidden power to summon Death itself, or for someone to become Death to close the Black Gate but the person must be willing. Once one becomes or merges with Death he/she will never be the same but they will have the ability to see Undead or the dead at will." Lazheros steadied Alyson as he informed Cauladra of the artifact. "How do know of this, Lazheros?" Alyson turned back to him. "I met a cleric of the Raven Queen, a Grave cleric. Caretakers of the dead, for the Raven Queen despises the undead. They are a travesty to her domain." He replied. The princess said nothing but listened with grave intent. Alyson fanned herself suddenly, "Is it hot in here or is it just me? Oh, no. It's Quake...she's gonna blow." The Bronze Man got an image of the elemental from Alyson, "Hmmm, more like a meltdown." "Is a melt-down a bad thing or a good thing?" Princess Cauladra inquired to both of them. "Bad if you're the enemy or not fire proof. Good, if you're an ally and my uncle's ability to withstand a dragon's breath weapon and survive." Alyson said as her complexion improved and looked at the bronze man, "I think it's safe to cure me now." Lazheros placed both hands on her shoulders and muttered words in draconic. Any and all traces of the blood mage's influence was gone and the vampirism from Captain Lion's bite gone. "Blessed be the wonders of Enoreth!" Princess Cauladra declared, "You look much better, Lady Alyson. How do you feel?" "How do I feel? I feel like I got ran over by a mack truck a couple of times." The elementalist sat up all the way and finally noticed the bronze man's armor, "Oh and I thought Armendes was shiny." He gazed at her, "Perhaps I was too hasty calling upon my legendary armor, Alyson but your life was teetering on the edge of death itself. Something I was not willing to gamble." "A Mack truck?" Princess Cauladra asked no one in particular, "Is that a herd of animals or a very heavy cart?" "A very, very all metal wagon, your highness." Alyson told her. "OH!" The Princess replied in surprise. |
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