"Archer? Who is Archer?" Irzen asked to no one in particular before he hit the ground.
Alyson whispered to the swordsman, "Archer is a old friend of mine. We went to school together. I'll fill you in later. Let's give Venger a long over due present, Irzen."
"Fine by me!" Irzen smiled, "But I don't see why we should spoil your friend's fun! She seems to have the matter well in hand."
Madeous gripped his greatsword, "She's right. Venger is most likely expecting you two but not Lazheros or myself, Lord Irzen. He and I will follow the dwarves and make sure the way out is clear, silencing any patrols that we haven't seen yet."
"Fair enough!" The Swordsman quipped, "I guess we all have our roles to play." Turning towards Alyson, Irzen asked, "Ladies first?"
"WHAT?!?" Venger reined the nightmare to the right to avoid the light hammer hitting him.
"OY! YA BIG OLF! DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT BURYING ME IN THE GROUND WOULD BE THE DEATH OF ME?!" Came a snarky female dwarven reply on the other side of Venger and company.
The Dark Lord swung his Nightmare around to face this new challenger. As his right hand crackled with magical energy, Venger snarled, "Reveal yourself and face me, coward! Or hide in your hole like the craven coward you are!"
With the sound of a whirl and a whoosh, a pair of light hammers returned to the hands of the female dwarf stepping up onto a large rock. Medium length auburn hair draped down each shoulder in a braid. Hazel eyes with dusky skin clothed in dark green leather armor. The monster slayer tapped both hammers together and smirked, "Well, that depends, horn head on who's the real coward 'ere. You are blight in this world oppressing folks here trying to survive and your pork army comes in and says we work for you! Ha!"
"Archer! You insignificant pest!" Venger stretched his right hand towards the Dwarf, "I should have done away with you years ago! Now, I have a chance to correct my err!" The Dark Lord fired a blast of white magical energy that sliced through the air as it made its way towards The Dwarf.
The monster slayer flipped him the bird and rolled out of the way. Archer followed up by clanging both hammers together sending loud echoing shockwaves throughout the narrow path.
The ground literally exploded right under the orc patrol sending Venger's troops flying everywhere. Squeals and grunts from orcs slamming and falling on top of each other from the chaos. The orc captain dodged the erupting earth and charged the dwarf. "GRRAAAWWWWWW!!"
The sudden eruption of earth spooked The Dark Lord's Nightmare sending both rider and steed flying upward until Venger was able to wrest control over his mount roughly fifty feet above the ground.
"I have you right where I want you, Archer!" Venger cut loose with another blast of magical energy centerd upon the exact spot where the Dwarf was standing. "Prepare to meet your doom!"
"Do you now?" Archer spat at the ground and braced herself, "You only think you do, horn head."
Alyson stood up and brought both hands slamming them on the ground, the thunderous crack loosened up any sharp pieces of rock and sent them crashing down completely cutting off the orc patrol. "Archer, you're up to bat!"
With a grin, the monster slayer brought both hammers together. The erupting earth combined with the elementalist's thunderwave created a sonic boom loud enough to cause the nightmare to buck violently.
Venger fought hard both to control his steed and to keep his seat astride its back! As The Night Mare flew upward, Irzen charged down the ravine towards the Orcs with an evil grin, "I guess I get Venger's sloppy seconds! Now who is the first to die!"
The Orc Captain met Irzen's charge with one of his own as he sought to split the Drow's head in twain. Irzen deflected the attack, spun around and decapitated the Orc Captain in one swift strike without breaking stride. Turning towards the other Orcs who were startled to see their leader dispatched so easily, Irzen waved his free hand towards them, "Next?"
The Orcs looked at each other, then they looked at Irzen and then they looked back at each other before they threw their weapons to the ground and raised their hands high over their heads.
"Either you Orcs have gotten smarter or you've become a lot less fun!" Irzen shook his head sadly.
The foremost orc snorted, "Smart, no. We not alone."
The second orc squealed with the sound of leathery wings and the all too familiar sound of a dragon breath weapon. He and his fellows bolted back down the path. Lightning erupted out the sky slamming down everywhere as a huge blue dragon dared to enter Venger's territory.
Irzen hit the dirt in an attempt to ground himself as the dragon's lightning cascaded all around him. The Drow was both hurt and singed by the electrical blast but not fatally so.
Archer jumped back barely dodging the breath attack taking minimal damage. The elementalist braced herself and watched as the lightning bounced harmlessly off her.
She blinked, "Huh?"
The blue dragon roared towards Venger, "The Dragon Queen sends her regards, fiend! Die!"
"Tiamat sends a lackey to attack me?!" The Dark Lord snarled in disgust as he finally gained control of his steed, "Pathetic!"
Venger fired off a white blast of magical energy towards the blue dragon. "You shall regret coming here, creature!"
Alyson shouted towards the swordsman, "Time to go, Irzen! Archer!"
Still crackling with a residual amount of electrical energy, the Swordsman quickly got to his feet, "You don't have to tell me twice!"
The monster slayer jumped down and joined the swordsman, "After you! No offense but I don't want to be fried and I'm sure neither do you."
"None taken!" The Swordsman followed Alyson's lead as the trio began to vacate the premises.
At that moment, she realized she didn't have her staff. She never got it back from Venger, not that she needed it now but it was thought that counted. Seeing the blue dragon keeping Venger busy, Alyson waved over to Irzen and Archer, "Last elevator up now leaving.
"You don't have to tell me twice!" The Swordsman quipped as he approached the moving boulder.
Archer helped Irzen over to the slowly rising boulder. Glancing towards the ensuing battle between horn head and dragon, she grinned, "Well, that should keep him busy long enough for us to get out of here."
"One can only hope!" Irzen replied as he scurried over the boulder.
The magical energy Venger blasted at the blue dragon slammed into the creature's chest cascading up and down the length of its body. As the dragon roared in pain, the Dark Lord began to press his attack, "You took a fool's errand in attacking me, dragon, and now you will pay dearly for your stupidity!"
The battle with the blue dragon and Venger continued to clash in the canyon. Yes, the Force of Evil was gaining ground but the dragon had been able to counterspell some of the magical attacks. Not something Venger expected. A deal was a deal. The blue dragon had a long time grudge against Venger and a certain dwarf had given the dragon an edge in the form of a small fortune of gold and a certain magic ring. In exchange, free passage through its territory.
Archer lead the elementalist and the swordsman through a narrow maze with the ravine to rejoin the others.
Venger fired a higher level version of the spell Magic Missile which slamnmed into the blue dragon causing the creature to once again roar in pain, "Is that the best you can do, dragon?! Because if it is your defeat will be swift and easy!"
Madeous's sword glowed with the presence of the blue dragon nearby and immediately took a defensive stance while guarding Lazheros.
The bronze man forced himself not to engage against his hated foe. Willpower was his strong suit except in the presence of a blue dragon. The ancient rivalry between bronze and blue dragons could be traced all the way back to their origins.
One of the dwarves muttered, "That didn't take long. Hopefully, Stanis made it back."
The monster slayer appeared with Alyson and Irzen. "We need to keep moving. Where's Stanis?"
An older dwarf in battle hardened armor grumbled, "He's waiting for us back at the fort."
Madeous was glad to see Alyson, "You made it. Good. Lead on, Archer. Irzen, I know you have a grudge as much as I do against Venger, save it for another time."
"Works for me." Irzen quipped, "As the old saying goes, he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day."
Lazheros cast Silence on the group to make their travel go unnoticed.
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