Not one of the Founding Fathers of the United States ever said the Pledge of Allegiance. In fact, the pledge was not written until the Founding Fathers were all dead and not surprisingly so. For it is doubtful they would have stood for such statism and idolatry. It was not until 1892 that the Pledge of Allegiance was written and it was not formally adopted by congress until 1942 under Franklin Roosevelt. It has always been the case that the best citizens, soldiers, and politicians have always been those great men and women who have acted based upon conscience, not based upon an unquestioned loyalty to the state. The United States, in fact, would not exist if such had not been the case for we would still be under Great Britain because of an undying loyalty to the British colors. The battle cry of the Revolutionary war was "No King but Jesus Christ!" And i don't think anyone's fit to lead our country without subscribing to that statement. Where did the pledge come from anyway? A man named Francis Bellamy wrote it. Originally it said, "I pledge allegiance to my flag, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Francis Bellamy was a self-proclaimed national socialist and a member of the "Nationalism" movement and a vice president of its socialist auxiliary group, whose members wanted the federal government to nationalize the American economy. Problems...i love my country, best place on earth to live, and i would defend it with my life if necessary, BUT... to pledge allegiance to a symbol is idolatry. Allegiance is loyalty given to "a sovereign" or "sovereigns." the flag is not my Sovereign, Jesus is. And i am submitted to sovereigns under his authority, including the USA. Only God is "indivisible." To say our nation is indivisible is silly at best and at worst it is to ascribe Divine attributes to a human institution. And what God exactly is the U.S. under now anyway? Try putting Christ Jesus in for "God" in the pledge and see if it won't raise issues. i wonder how many Christians have no qualms about mindlessly pledging to the flag, (even in church) but raise a major stink about reciting the Apostle's Creed or Nicene Creed? We are Christians 1st, Americans 2nd. Perhaps it can be fixed.... I pledge to honor & respect the Republic of the United States of America. And by faith declare One Nation under Christ, united in Him, with Liberty and Justice for all. |
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