verb, intransitive vig•or (vîg¹er) noun
renewed, renewing, renews verb, transitive
1. To make new or as if new again; restore: renewed the antique chair.
2. To take up again; resume: renew an old friendship; renewed the argument.
3. To repeat so as to reaffirm: renew a promise.
4. To regain or restore the physical or mental vigor of; revive: I renewed my spirits in the country air.
5. a. To arrange for the extension of: renew a contract; renew a magazine subscription. b. To arrange to extend the loan of: renewed the library books before they were overdue.
6. To replenish: renewed the water in the humidifier.
7. To bring into being again; reestablish.
1. To become new again.
2. To start over.
re•in•vent (rê´în-vènt¹) verb, transitive
re•in•vent•ed, re•in•vent•ing, re•in•vents
1. To make over completely: She kept trying to reinvent herself as an actress.
2. To bring back into existence or use: reinvented the concept of neighborliness.
re•in•vig•o•rate (rê´în-vîg¹e-rât´) verb, transitive
re•in•vig•o•rat•ed, re•in•vig•o•rat•ing, re•in•vig•o•rates
To give new life or energy to.
1. Physical or mental strength, energy, or force.
2. The capacity for natural growth and survival, as of plants or animals.
3. Strong feeling; enthusiasm or intensity.
4. Legal effectiveness or validity.
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