FOR SALE - Bosch KTS 550, with Vauxhall, VAG and Ford tools #
Posted by Colin Barker on January 15, 2015, 5:37 pm Edited by board administrator January 16, 2015, 2:26 pm
Bosch KTS 550, rugged laptop etc Esi 2012/14 never times out Vauxhall dealer level installed Vcds vag, audi vw dealer level With genuine vcds lead and ILexa genuine lead £768 on there website, google it. Autodata 3.38 Cost me £1600 plus £400 for the ford vcm dongle. Bosch esi and kts 550, vauxhall and vag, audi/vw installed and work perfect. The ford software needs installing just haven't had the time. Genuine reason for sale. Bargain price £1350 ono px or swap car, van etc Sensible offer considered. Thanks Colin 07740 189 481 Collection from Sheffield Only!!