Ernie Cassimus is collecting toys for children at Shriners Hospital in Galveston for Christmas. Ernie is a Shriner and is collecting toys for the Shriner's Hospital in Galveston. Let's give our support to the children at Shriners. Ernie's cell number if 225-936-7789. His address is 33 N Omega.
Ernie has the BV/OB Christmas Golf Cart Parade after party at his home.
He will be delivering the presents to Shriners Hospital on the morning of December 11.
Do Not wrap the presents.
Additional items:
1)Bluetooth speakers for teen and school-aged children
2)Bluetooth ear bud headphones
3)Travel-size piano keyboards
4)Karaoke microphones
5)Bilingual/Spanish musical instrument toys
6)Uno (
8)Badminton set
9)Golf club
Visa Gift cards/ 10)Amazon gift cards
11)Nintendo switch gift cards
12)Spanish Bibles
13)Spanish books (Ages pre-k to teenagers)
14)Crayola markers, color pencils, and crayons
15)Crochet needles size 3, 3.5, and 4
16)Activity craft/art sets (embroidery, clay, science kit, etc.)
17)Paint by numbers
18)Small puzzles, 300 pieces or more