Bayou Vista Tx Unofficial FB page Javier Bernal · 8h · MUD 12: ATTENTION ALL RESIDENTS
IMPORTANT NOTE: According to what the FEMA paperwork states, the trash cannot be in trash bags, cans or bins as they must be able to "see" what they are picking up. You may take the time to empty the bags into a pile or wait for additional garbage pickup. Regular trash pickup is expected on Thursday. I confirmed the truck will not take bags as they were coming down Blue Heron. today. If you have not separated the bags from the bulk trash you probably still have time. An IRIS message is being distributed as this post goes out. Thanks to all, On Behalf of MUD 12
Re: Trash Bagging Info
Posted by Heather on 7/20/2024, 7:49 am, in reply to "Trash Bagging Info"
Hi my stuff is in piles by my mail box on red fish when should they pick up that
Several people said they were on redfish just wondering what I’m being skipped