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on December 31, 2024, 5:07 pm
Having been galvanised (did you see what I did there?) into action to change my AJS 18S' E3L dynamo armature (should be an short E3N) , I set to work. However, things as ever are never quite straightforward with old bikes.
The dynamo itself has a Lucas part number 20036 on the shell, so for BSA, and I have found 200712 stamped on the armature - again suitable for a BSA A7/A10.
Now then, a Lucas 200712 armature should have a parallel drive end shaft with no extrnal threaded section, just a threaded hole at the end for a retaining bolt. Mine is just like that, except the end is tapered...
I'm guessing some bodger in the dim and distant past has "machined" a taper onto the drive end of the armature of a BSA dynamo. I'm also guessing that "machining" could be why I see a wobble as it turns, which lead me to believe the armature was bent. The "taper" is covered in gouge marks, which can't help. I might try lapping the sprocket the shaft with grinding paste.
Oh, and the bearings on the shaft are well knackered too. In fact, comprehensively so.
HNY, y'all.
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