A few months ago went to A&E as I had a bad scratch on my right eye while they were looking at it they checked the left eye which had been worrying me as my vision was distorted.. after mutch discussion it was agreed that the retina had become detached. One of the reasons I don't drive anymore.. So an operation was put forward..Fortunately they had a cancellation.. so Friday before last had the op. So a week getting used to virtually no vision none eye as ther was a large air bubble in the eye..over the week it got smaller until the 13th of this month the bubble disappeared now my vision is better than it ever was so next week have another appointment for acheckup that all is right.. If so that's new Specs then after they will remove my cateracts in both eyes at some time.. Can't speak highly of the team at the Hospital which is quite unusual as they have stuffed several jobs ono previous visits one was giving me Sepsis which I'm still suffering side effects.. but I'm still here