1972 in the Island to watch the TT me on my new Commando and my mate on his BMW. This was taken not far from the bungalow where we had a great view of the races. The old mod is just peering over the top. We had a great week with good racing and great evening fun. All good until the homeward journey when half way back to London on the M1 I noticed a vibration from the engine and the old mod started tapping me on the back. We pulled over onto the hard shoulder (remember them). She had oil on her leg from the engine breather caused by the failure of the main bearing. Very common fault on the early Commandos. I managed to restart the bike and decided to try and limp it home which I did but daren't go over 50mph. Managed to get back to London and the bike was taken to Taylor Matthersons to have the later main bearing fitted under warranty. I did like the bike but it had already been back for porous barrels silencers baffles coming loose and the rev counter driver spewing out oil. Summing up the bike was a pile of crap and such a shame as it was only my second ever new bike purchase the first being my Ariel Arrow in 1961.