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Outside Today
Posted by geoff the bonnie on December 25, 2024, 9:27 pm
Having lived in this house for 42 years now, the difference between 1983 and 2024 became apparent. Back then on Xmas Morning a lot of house lights on and many children out with bikes, skates. toy prams etc. 2024, no one gets up early and no children living here at all now due to the house prices and young couples cannot buy a house here. Many hoses have been squashed into flats but those owners or tenants cannot have children due to high housing cost. The renters here do not speak English very well but are able to find the 1700 pounds a Month for a house 3 doors away. Its a shame my own family struggle to stay in Exmouth but 3 are still near and the other one has had to move 35 miles to an area cheaper as there is no work there, then he drives 25 miles to work in Exeter. Just old people here mostly now and at over 400,000 for these semi houses, no locals can buy at all. I paid just 24,000 back in 1983and this house would be at least 430,000 as it has 4 beds and a garage The boys will be able to have a spending spree when we are gone. Every night club has closed and there were at least 6. Half the pubs have shut and some knocked down for housing. The Famous Beacon Vaults has been empty 4 years but demolition has been denied. Rapidly becoming an elderly Town as Budliegh did 70 years ago. We have 10 nail bars, 7 Turkish barbers, about 20 takeaways and 15 charity shops. Shoezone shuts up shop January so most trading is food delivery. Vans all over the place delivering what we used to go out and buy. Funny how fast a Town can decline and also now only house the rich retired. Quite a few little million pound houses appearing lately. Mostly look like weetabix boxes with large windows and flat roofs but they can look out to sea so no need to walk to see it.
Re: Outside Today
Posted by Leon Novello on December 26, 2024, 6:24 am, in reply to "Outside Today"
All the Wheelie bins have been sitting in the 30C Sun all day. The Garbage collection is usually early morning around 6 or7 A:M; it is now 16:30 and they are still sitting there. It will be on the nose tomorrow as today`s prawn shells are in there.
They are well-wrapped in sealed plastic bags. I`m not putting them down the waste disposal like yesterday. I do remember some things yer know.Leon Novello
Re: Outside Today
Posted by Andy C on December 26, 2024, 9:51 am, in reply to "Outside Today"
Lack of people out and about around here yesterday as well, years gone by you would see kids out on their new pushbikes, people out and about in their new coats / gloves / scarfs etc. When you get a new games console / mobile phone / laptop there is no need to go out !
Like your area house prices are out of reach of most, around here - think our place has gone up by about 100k in the 20 or so years we have lived here - ridiculous, but our Daughter will benefit when we have gone.
You see a lot of new builds bought for rental, recent pub to flat conversion up the road soon had a "to let' sign put up outside.
We dont have any decent pubs any longer, they have either been closed / converted to flats and those that are left dont have any soul, they are just bland, and serve crap beers, they are more geared to eating. One has a particularly indifferent landlord, no idea what hospitality is so I dont go there any more.
We also have our fair share of Turkish 'barbers" - as my local barber I have been going to for years pointed out, these so called "barbers" are often open very late into the night - who goes for a haircut at midnight. You seldom see any customers "in the chair" yet there is a constant stream of visitors, and high end BMWs / Mercs / Audis stopping by. My barber is convinced it is a front for something else, and I think the general opinion is that they are a front for illegal activity.
Also lots of shops have closed, and have been taken over by second hand shops.
Think this is pretty universal accross the country, having said that it is a decent morning, not cold for the time of year. We are cosy and warm in our home, and dont have the huge millstone of any kind of debt hanging around our necks.
I'll be doing a bit of fettling this morning, as well as having a walk over to check on Mum before another afternoon of over indulgance. Who needs a signature anyway......
Re: Outside Today
Posted by geoff the bonnie on December 26, 2024, 12:45 pm, in reply to "Re: Outside Today"
Andy, the Turkish barbers are a money laundering scheme. One local barber takes about 500 pound a week with just him. The Inland revenue investigated as the Turkish barber opposite took 250,000 pounds in his first year. The local barber has invited Inland revenue to watch the large hold alls delivered each week from expensive cars . One of the barbers closed within the week and just remains locked now. Local police say they raided many homes recently and arrested 1600 people connected to drug supply. Each barber has 6 chairs but they rarely do haircuts. Nail bars are the other launderer so we are swamped with new shops for them. The local smuggled cigarette dealer just got caught but now he has a man sitting in a chair outside watching for any unusual people looking around. He has also opened another shop for sales of cigs at 6 pound a packet. We have no police at all in Exmouth and Budliegh so shops can do the business virtually untouched.
Re: Outside Today
Posted by 6TDen on December 26, 2024, 2:06 pm, in reply to "Re: Outside Today"
As I've said before, you'd make a fine ambassador for the Devon Tourist board. 1600 arrests, that's going to make Labour happy when they try to find places for them after the judges give their verdicts. Think I'll be going to South-End for my hols this year. Den
Re: Outside Today
Posted by geoff the bonnie on December 26, 2024, 8:46 pm, in reply to "Re: Outside Today"
I also wondereed how they will hold these dealers Den. The raids were in Devon and Cornwall as quite large hauls are coming into fishing harbours on trawlers. In one boat there was 2 tons of Cocaine which is transported up Country for distribution so the 1600 were also up in Liverpool and Manchester. This modern gangster idea is a lot more profitable than the Krays idea. Just waiting for all the barbers to close down now and the brass 10,000 pound chairs sold for scrap.
Re: Outside Today
Posted by Tonupdave on December 27, 2024, 9:24 am, in reply to "Re: Outside Today"
The hair cutting industry is vast no my grandson a registered barber can't get a place at any barbers or hairdressers he has taken a part time job making expensive mattresses in Okehampton onl just past his driving test so prob do travelling barbers or hairdressing. He took his driving test four times passed on the fourth same person a female on the third time failed hin for not obeying her order which was on a country lane no markings and a fork ahead .. She said drive straight on!!!! which he didn't SO Photo of the lane was produced at the office with the complaint.. Passed next time only doing three miles.. same tester Wordhas got aroundTonupdave..T.U.D.