Well at least you can spend it David. They sent me a couple of books of stamps. Of course, the stamps cost them nothing to print and take me some time to use being a value i dont use for postage. Its a funny lot. The Exmouth Post office was shut down and began looking a shambles after 3 years. The local council have sent their maintenance staff to paint it all over in one colour just so it looks like hoarding. It is up for sale but as with other shops that have closed, no one wants them. The large Thomas Tucker store was refurbished with a large contribution from the council 10 years ago. Half a million pounds and now it sits empty with broken windows. We do have a lot of charity shops now that move into the empty shops so some good coming of it. My favourite shops for clothes. There are coaches coming from Wales every summer for charity shop tours of Exmouth. Very good for the town Boyo !