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1st Ride of the Year
Posted by A65Bill on January 17, 2025, 4:34 pm
Only went out to pick up my meds from the pharmacy 3+ miles away. 2nd junction 1/4 mile from home, dosey bint leaning against driver's door window cuts the corner & nearly has me. I'll drop a note through her door later to explain that I lean on the bike, she is supposed to slow down and turn the wheel. There's a 20 mph limit (advisory but well justified) along our High St and there's temporary lights for utilities digging up half the road anyway. Lights are red, so why is the dipstick behind me blowing his horn & waving for me to keep going, when the cars in front and my bike are stopped at the lights? Still in a 40 area with a car on my back numberplate, so I slow down, but does he pass me, of course not, but the car behind him passes us both! I turn left onto a derestricted country road and he comes after me flashing his lights, so I gunned it and left him well behind. 2 more incidents witnessed before I got back home. What is wrong with these people?
Re: 1st Ride of the Year
Posted by Tonupdave on January 17, 2025, 5:08 pm, in reply to "1st Ride of the Year"
It's the way it is my wife an old driver always complaining at the idiots on the road.said this before going to our nearest Hospital got to a roundabout a woman on the left hand side comming around on the wrong side ..I mentioned this to my neighbour she say she dose it all the time as its a long queue and she will be late..says it allTonupdave..T.U.D.
Re: 1st Ride of the Year
Posted by Andy C on January 17, 2025, 5:40 pm, in reply to "1st Ride of the Year"
Sounds like a normal day on the road, just about every time I go out whether car or bike, there is always some idiot doing just what they please.
Sad sign of the times, plus it is all made worse by people using mobiles while driving.Who needs a signature anyway......
Re: 1st Ride of the Year
Posted by JERRY on January 18, 2025, 10:08 am, in reply to "1st Ride of the Year"
Not many delivery jobs I do these days without a hold up caused by a crash and what I see of driving standards today I'm not at all surprised. The oldest rocker in town!