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Jet washes
Posted by calidavid on January 24, 2025, 12:27 pm
Any views? I have no water access in the street or at the lock up so the easiest option is to go there. I know to avoid wheel bearings and other sensitive area. The other option is to "traipse through the house"(SWMBO) with buckets of water.
Re: Jet washes
Posted by Lannis on January 24, 2025, 12:33 pm, in reply to "Jet washes"
Our car wash pressure washers can be liquid sandblasters up close ... I use them seldom, but when I do, I stand well back!
LannisI don't take health advice from people who think the world is overpopulated.
Re: Jet washes
Posted by Nigel B on January 24, 2025, 1:07 pm, in reply to "Jet washes"
I used to use the local filling station jet wash to clean off trials bikes when I had these - rather have the mud on their cleaning arae than my drive ! And with some trials venues at this time of year there could be a lot of mud - air cooled engines were just a steaming muddy lump that would have been difficult to clean without a jet wash.
This did cause some problems, though. Chains, wheel bearings and brakes are high maintenance on a trials bike anyway (rear disc brake pads could be done after 2 trials in winter, with wheel bearings not far behind), but I was a bit suprised that on one bike (JCM 240 Europa) the generator side main bearing failed through rusting due to water ingress through a gasketed cover, requiring a full engine rebuild to fix.
I would recommend a rechargeable pressure washer - I bought one to wash the fleet when there was a hose pipe ban here, using water from a water butt plumbed in to one of the house fall pipes. This has a lower pressure than a mains or commercial unit & can be set to a gentle fan pattern, but is also very economical on water ( around 2 litres a minute, so fewer buckets for you to lug ! ) and the battery capacity is more than adequate to do two bikes or a a car with charge to spare. It performs way better than I expected it would and gets reqular use. IIRC it is a B&Q own brand unit that got a "Best buy" from an Auto Express group test of such devices, but I can get details if you are interested. Mine was a "used once" purchase through Ebay at around half new price.
Nigel B.
Re: Jet washes
Posted by calidavid on January 24, 2025, 1:23 pm, in reply to "Re: Jet washes"
That sounds just the job, Nigel. Thank you.
Re: Jet washes
Posted by Nigel B on January 24, 2025, 2:34 pm, in reply to "Re: Jet washes"
<a href="">This</a> is the unit I have, if that helps any.
<a href="">This</a> is the Auto Express group test I refered to.
Nigel B.
Re: Jet washes
Posted by calidavid on February 3, 2025, 12:44 pm, in reply to "Re: Jet washes"
I have tried this out on the lowest setting, 35 BAR, and it seems to work well. Roughly one bucket of water and 20 mins does the job. I will try 45 BAR next time. The max of 65 is probably is not needed.