Below is a link to all the teams in the state whose classification has been changed for 2016 due to their success at last years state tournaments:
Congrats to all the teams and their success at States in 2015. Hopefully will see all those teams back up in Drifton again this year.
On January 1 of every year players and teams have the right to make one appeal to lower their classification by one level.
The teams who were moved up last year (2015 link above) can not appeal to move down until they have attempted to play at the higher level for at least one year. If any other team would like to appeal their classification for 2016 they must first do the following,
Send a letter to our District Commissioner, Joe O., outlining why they feel their team should be moved down a level. Team appeals can only be submitted to the committee by your district commissioner.
Please include as much information as possible:
1. years competed at states with level (E, D2, D1, C)
2. record for each year you competed (if you remember)
3. players on your current roster with their current classifications (this is important because in most cases team appeals will lock your roster in to only those people listed)
4. who is new and who is leaving your team from last years state squad.
As much info as you can provide in your request letter to Joe the better. I was at States for all but E's last year so I saw most of the teams play and know how each team did overall. I do have data from E states but only data and to be honest their is no class lower then E in our state so if you are an E team that wants to move up and try D's out I strongly recommend it.
One side note: any team who was moved up in previous years and have not participated at states in their new level can not appeal to move back down. As stated earlier you must play at least one year at your new level before an appeal will be considered.
As for individual players and appeals. Currently the state appeal link on the ASA of PA website is down. I have alerted the state and will let everyone know when it is up and running. All individual player appeals are done through the website.
The opportunity to appeal your team and individual player classifications is only open till June 1. So it is important to get those appeals in early. The Committee, which I am a part of, starts reviewing all appeals as soon as we get them.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me.
Andrew Ruhf
ASA of PA District 6 Delaware County Player Rep
ASA of PA Men's Slow Pitch Committee Member