Fast Pitch softball coach needed for Mercy Vocational H.S.
Hi, My name is Jim Haley, Jr. and I am a History teacher and the head softball coach at Mercy Vocational H.S. (MVHS).
Do you know a person who would be interested in being a fast pitch coach for our team?
Our goal is to train at least 3 pitchers who will become proficient in throwing three types of pitches. I am not certain if this goal could
be accomplished by a fast pitch coach's help 2, 3, or 4 days a week.
Here is the link to the MVHS Softball page.
Please note, the Standard Operating Procedure for MVHS Softball is loaded to the page.
In closing, if you have any questions about MVHS Softball please call me at 610-716-7403.
Jim Haley, Jr.